It’s our pleasure to be joined again by The Iconfactory’s Gedeon Maheux, this time we’re talking less Star Trek and more Tapestry, no not that episode with Q and Picard!
Project Tapestry is their latest KickStarter project, and the goal is to create a one-stop-shop for reading the influx of things that matter to you on the web. As long as the site has an open and accessible endpoint for you to get the data, you should be able to bring that into Tapestry.
We also talk about some of the challenges of designing apps for changing design styles, different platforms, and of course take some minor course corrections into sci-fi and Apple in general.
Will you be backing Project Tapestry? At the time of posting this episode, there’s just 7 days left to go and the team have some really cool rewards still up for grabs.
What are your thoughts on how apps are designed? What’s your favourite Q appearance in The Next Generation? We’d love to hear from you, so please send us a note to [email protected], or why not come join the discussion on our Discord server.
If you liked this episode or any of our content, we’d greatly appreciate any little bit of support you can throw our way over at our Ko-Fi page.
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Episode Links
- The Iconfactory – Website | Mastodon
- Gedeon Maheux – Mastodon
- Project Tapestry – Kickstarter
- Why Tapestry? – Iconfactory Blog
- Ollie, Space Karen, and an API – Gedeon’s first appearance on the show talking about the demise of the Twitter API
Chapter Times
- 00:00:04: Introductions
- 00:03:01: Why Kickstarter?
- 00:05:54: What is Tapestry?
- 00:13:47: Endpoints
- 00:18:43: Rewards
- 00:22:23: Looking Back at Design Trends
- 00:30:59: An AI Tangent
- 00:33:59: An Apple QuickTake
- 00:41:32: Designing for New Platforms
- 00:54:01: The Joy of Design
- 01:02:28: Wrapping Up
Intro and outro theme: Ace of Clubs by RoccoW