Crossed Wires

A technology podcast that aims to take a positive look at technology and computing. We aim to have genuinely engaging chats with folks doing interesting things in tech that make a positive impact.

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James, Dan, Sean, and Steve recording this episode.


Whilst we wait for #Apple’s latest announcements, take a trip back with us to when PDAs were still a thing, when styli ruled the handheld computing world, and when our panel was much much younger!

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Hair Helmet

Later than planned, but you can join James, Jae, and Alex for their discussion of Apple’s WWDC 2024 Keynote, including our thoughts on AI (Apple Intelligence) and all the other updates they announced.

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Crushing It!

James and Jae are joined by Alex Lowe for another Apple Event roundup. We look at all the new iPad goodness, play ‘Choose The Pencil’ and even explain why WiFi 7 being AWOL isn’t such a big deal.

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Hosting a Mastodon

James and Jae are joined by Hugo, the one man army behind, to talk about the challenges that come with hosting multiple Mastodon instances for a wide range of communities. We also explore why having your own instance may be something to consider.

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James, Jae, Zack and Catherine recording this episode of Crossed Wires

Educating AI

James and Jae are joined by returning guests, Prof. Catherine Flick and Zack, to talk about the challenges of AI in academia, and how taking a ChatGPT shaped shortcut nearly cost Zack his high-school graduation.

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Nirav and James recording this episode of Crossed Wires

Framing a Better Laptop

James is joined by Nirav Patel, the founder and CEO of Framework, to talk about how important ‘Right to Repair’ is and the value we should all be placing on sustainable and upgradeable technology. Of course, we discuss the Framework laptop and what this uniquely customisable and upgradable notebook brings

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James and Gideon recording this episode.

Weaving a Tapestry

James is joined again by Gedeon Maheux from The Iconfactory. This time we’re talking the Project Tapestry KickStarter, designing apps, as well as random diversions to Star Trek, Stargate, AI, and of course some good old Apple talk!

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James, Jon, and Jae recording this episode.


James and Jae are joined by Jon von Tetzchner, the CEO of Vivaldi. Jon shares his experience with building two different browsers, the early days of the browser-scape, and why we need to regulate or flat out ban the increasing profiling of users on the web.

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Zack, Jae, and James recording this episode.

The Fruit and The Droids

James and Jae are joined by Zack to have an honest discussion on the #iPhone vs #Android debate. We delve into security updates, device longevity, right to repair, cross-platform messaging and much more, all whilst remaining calm and collected!

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James, Evan, Alex and Jae recording this episode.

The UniFi Appreciation Show

You’ve heard us wax lyrical about how much we love UniFi, the easy to use networking and more ecosystem from Ubiquiti. We’re joined by Alex and Evan, the hosts of UI Chat, to look at why UniFi’s offering is so powerful and look at some of the gotchas and things

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