episodes featuring Sean (Action Retro)

James, Dan, Sean, and Steve recording this episode.


Whilst we wait for #Apple’s latest announcements, take a trip back with us to when PDAs were still a thing, when styli ruled the handheld computing world, and when our panel was much much younger!

A photo of Sean, James, Steve and Dan recording this episode. Dan is holding a NextCube panel.

A Discussion of Macintosh

James is joined by a truly nerdy Macintosh panel featuring returning guests Dan Vincent andSean from Action Retro, and new guest Steve from Mac84. We chat about our love of Macintosh, collecting, and our views on Apple in 2022.

A photo of James and Sean recording this episode.

Action Packed Retro

I chat with Sean, aka Action Retro, all about his shenanigans pushing vintage computers beyond any reasonable limits, and using floppy-disks in a RAID array!